
Christian Kongsgaards projects. LCAx, EPDx, EPD Search, EPW Visualizer


The goal for LCAx is to make an open, machine and human-readable data format for exchanging LCA results, EPD's and assemblies.

Our goal is making LCA calculations more accessible, transparent, and open.

Learn more:

Model Checker

Model quality is at the center of successful BIM projects.

The goal of this tool is to provide a quick check on the overall health of a model. It comes with a couple of standard tests – if these succeed, it's worth to look deeper into the model.

Otherwise probably not.

We designed it to be really easy AND secure.

All data stays on your local machine – no data will be send anywhere, all checks are performed locally

Learn more:
Created in collaboration with LT+ and AnyTwo


The website is a simple website with a search bar, where you can type in a search word.
After pressing enter you will be taken to a page with a list of EPDs that matches your search word. Exactly like Google does it.

Visit the page:

DGNB Chart

A simple app for creating an aster plot from your DGNB score.

Visit the page:

EPW Visualizer

The app is a simple EPW weather visualizer.

The landing page has a map with weather stations on.
When an user clicks on a weather station they are taken to the second page, where the weather data is visualized.

Visit the page: