In today's world all data manipulation of BIM models requires human interaction.

Whether it is an architect drawing, exporting room schedules or an engineer calculating daylight availability, it all starts by someone starting the BIM software.

What if we could create workflows that runs automatically in the background?

  • Imagine, room schedules being exported when you save or by the end of the day.
  • Imagine, daylight models automatically being run when you save or by the end of the day.
  • Imagine, shifting your work from executing repetitive tasks to instead creating recipes or templates for a computer to execute those tasks.

I believe it is possible if we free our model data from proprietary file formats saved on disk.

Is this possible?
What would it require to achieve?

Unlocking BIM Data

In today's world all data manipulation of BIM models requires human interaction. Whether it is an architect drawing, exporting room schedules or an engineer calculating daylight availability, it all starts by someone starting the BIM software.