As computational designers, many of us overlook Javascript's potential. It might not have the elegance of Python or the integrated nature of C#, but dismissing Javascript is to miss out on its unparalleled strengths.

Initially, I too didn't fully grasp Javascript's potential. However, when it comes to building visual and interactive platforms, Javascript, combined with its siblings HTML and CSS, stands out from the crowd.

Sure, you can create GUI apps in other languages. But with Javascript, you can design a straightforward website that eliminates the need for users to download or install your application. Plus, compatibility issues? Windows, Mac, or Linux, Javascript has got you covered.

In today's digital age, building web apps has become more straightforward than ever. That said, diving into web development, especially from an AEC background, might seem overwhelming. The myriad of frameworks available, with new ones emerging frequently, can be dizzying. Javascript's dynamic ecosystem is both its strength and challenge.

For those pondering where to start, consider these four major UI frameworks:

  • Angular: Introduced by Google in 2016, it may seem a bit traditional now but has its merits.
  • React: A product of Facebook and, as of now, holds the crown for popularity. It's gaining a mainstream following.
  • Vue: Created by Evan You, its swiftly expanding user base might soon challenge React's top spot.
  • Svelte: Though it debuted in 2016, courtesy of Rich Harris, it feels like a fresh entrant. Its charm and growth trajectory are commendable.

I personally use React.

How about you?
What's your experience with Javascript?
Share your thoughts in the comments!

Why Every Computational Designer Should Consider Learning Javascript

As computational designers, many of us overlook Javascript's potential. It might not have the elegance of Python or the integrated nature of C#, but dismissing Javascript is to miss out on its unparalleled strengths.