Validation is a 1st class LCAx feature!

We want to implement a validation engine that builds on top of the current functionality of the JSON schema, to give the possibility of validating against user defined rules.

  • Implementation of Validation Engine
    We want to implement an open source validation engine, so we can expand LCAx's validation capabilities beyond the JSON schema. Currently we are looking at Valitron.
  • Standard Validation Rules
    We would like to build in a standard set of validation rules that users can run. The standard set will also act as an example gallery for building user defined validation rules.
  • Webpage for Validation
    We would like to provide users with a webpage, where they can have validation run against their LCAx projects.

Is there some other validation functionalities that you would like to see in LCAx?

Share it with us in the comments ๐Ÿ‘‡

LCAx Validation

Validation is a 1st class LCAx feature! We want to implement a validation engine that builds on top of the current functionality of the JSON schema, to give the possibility of validating against user defined rules.