This year at Arkitema, I've been the touchpoint for many individuals keen on bringing their ideas to the digital realm, aiming to streamline workflows and enhance daily operations.

My role?
To metamorphose those raw ideas into actionable steps, steering them to fruition as a potent tool or plugin that solves real-time challenges.

We start by brainstorming.I encourage them to dream big, unhindered by the constraints of “what is possible”. This is the stage where imagination takes the center stage.

We navigating through critical questions to delve deeper into the concept:

  • Identifying the core problem to be addressed
  • Exploring existing software solutions and their shortcomings
  • Defining the potential users – be it themselves or their colleagues
  • Understanding the dynamics of the data involved:
  •  Its nature
  •  Its source
  •  The necessary processing pathways
  • Envisioning the ideal representation of the results

Through this interactive dialogue, we are able to chart out the problem, their wants and wishes.

This gives me an opportunity to start proposing solutions.


This year at Arkitema, I've been the touchpoint for many individuals keen on bringing their ideas to the digital realm, aiming to streamline workflows and enhance daily operations.