LCAx is headed for a big 2024!

I'm excited Β to share LCAx's roadmap for this year.

  1. Data Structure
    LCAx’s data structure is currently published as a beta version. We want to improve the data structure and align with existing standards.
    Read more here
  2. Documentation and Communication
    To improve the communication of LCAx, we want to update the current website with more in-depth explanations and better documentation of how to use LCAx.
    Read more here
  3. Conversion
    Robust conversion between LCAx and other software is a cornerstone in LCAx's value proposition. Therefore, we want to expand the current functionality to be able to convert between some of the most used LCA software.
    Read more here
  4. Validation
    A central functionality of LCAx is validation of the data structure. We want to implement a validation engine that builds on top of the current functionality of the JSON schema, to give the possibility Β of validating against user defined rules.
    Read more here
  5. Calculation Engine
    We believe that there is missing an open source calculation engine for whole building LCAs. Building a calculation engine that takes advantages of LCAx's data structure seems like a natural next step.
    Read more here

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LCAx - 2024 Roadmap πŸš€

LCAx is headed for a big 2024! I'm excited to share LCAx's roadmap for this year.